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Welcome to my Bachelor's Showcase, where I proudly present a compilation of my work. Each image has been thoughtfully rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars to reflect my level of pride in the content, demonstrating my commitment to professionalism and quality.

Minor Becoming The Next Successful Startup (ELAINA) Year 3 

During my minor program, I had the privilege of collaborating within a team to conceptualize and develop a startup venture tailored to meet a discernible need in the Dutch market. Our journey involved comprehensive research to validate our initial assumptions and led to the creation of Elaina, the AI Teacher Assistant, which remains in active development.

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Leading page
Elaina the assitant
Elaina mobile page
Program overview

Click on the PDF file to see the documents

Check the website:

Mind Matter Podcast - Concept and Production 2

Through the Mind Matters podcast project, I've developed a deep love for storytelling's power to connect us as humans. You'll find a selection of my favorite productions in this showcase, each marking a significant learning point in my journey.

As part of the Mind Matters team, we also created, a website for college students aged 18 to 25. It gave us the freedom to explore a wide array of subjects and styles. We followed a
design-based thinking process, and I'll explain each step in this showcase.

Join me as we dive into the world of podcasting, creative production, and the journey behind!

Infographic - Mind Matters
Concept Operationalization
Instagram post
Post Instagram
Post Instagram
Post Instagram
Recording day
Recording day
Concept poster
Concept poster
Concept poster
Concept poster
Concept poster
Concept poster

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Click on the PDF file to see the documents

  Marketing 2

This showcase is a glimpse into my dynamic 8-week journey with "Black by K&M." My mission: enhance the customer experience and revamp marketing strategies for this iconic 80s-inspired fashion brand. As the team leader of my tight-knit group of five, I set out on this quest to elevate my success and refine my leadership skills.

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Content calender
Social media post on facebook
Content calender
Catwalk campaign post
Catwalk visual
Instagram post
Instagram post
Find the BLACK klomp facebook post
About us video
Guerilla Black Klomp visual
Instagram post

Click on the PDF file to see the documents

These videos were made as posts for the social media campaigns of Black by K&M (The client). It was part of my individual assignment.

 Creative business 2

Click on the images and read the information, see the ratings!!

Story board
Story board 0.5
Story Board 3
Story Board 4
Story Board 5
Story Board 7
Story Board 6
Story board 8
Story board 9
One pager
Project model
group contract
Motivation HRM

Click the link to see my employee

Click on the PDF file to see the document

Publishing 1 

In this module, I engaged in the authorship of articles for both my personal magazine project and a distinct article contribution to the university's official publication, focusing on a distinct school sector within our academic institution. This module was centered on the art of publishing and professional content creation.

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Click to listen 

Interview Patrick
00:00 / 27:03
Interview Ivan
00:00 / 26:39

Click on the links 

Click on the PDF file to see the document

Feedback From Fruits

These files contain the feedback of feedback fruits I choose the most relevant.

Click on the PDF file to see the document


These files contain the written text that I wrote for the magazine that we created as a group and my individual one.
I give the articles that I wrote 4 stars because I am very proud of how I developed with writing.


 Marketing 1 

During my initial marketing module, I was introduced to the structured and systematic application of marketing principles. My team's assignment revolved around assisting a young artist in enhancing their marketing strategies. Together, we meticulously crafted a comprehensive marketing plan to propel their career forward.

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Campaign More Ease tatoos
Campaign logos
Logo M.A
Persona more ease
Position matrix
CBBE model
Clubhouse promotion research
Creative ideas
Spotify users
CBBE more Ease
I consider myself to be
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of more ease

Project Plan 

This document outlines our project planning process and highlights crucial time slots. I've rated this plan at 3.5 stars, suggesting that it could benefit from more clarity and a streamlined timeline. As we move forward, it's imperative that we adhere to the rules established in this project plan for the upcoming period.

Click on the PDF file to see the document

MC plan More Ease 

This file is of paramount importance as it is intended for our client and contains outcomes that can significantly boost the artist's visibility in the music industry. I've given this document a well-deserved 4-star rating, reflecting the substantial effort and dedication we invested in its creation. 

Click on the PDF file to see the document

Show case Creative business 1

In my first module, we delved into the fundamentals of establishing a good business structure. The curriculum focused on the practical application of Business Model Canvas (BMC) principles, equipping us with the knowledge and skills needed to create media content tailored to this innovative business module.

Click on the images and video's here under to see more information

Media landscape Visualization

This file explains a story board about our media landscape visualization
At the end there is a link to the Instagram page.
I give this 4 stars
Because it give a good guidance and explain the a story how the page could be useful.

BMC report Channels

If you scroll down to Channels there is a part of my research or the report and it gives a good explanation of the Channels of Instagram.
I give it 4 stars
Because it is a quite good informative text, But maybe some grammar or words could be explained differently.  
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